Pride in Sport Festival - Free Beginners Training

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In Collaboration with PrideinSport, Perth Scorpions VC is Proud to Offer this Free Training Course for Beginners!

Whether you’ve never played a sport before or are wanting to brush up on your skills, this program aims to encourage the LGBTQIA+ community to stay active, healthy, and participate in sports. Perth Scorpions VC are all about providing a safe space where queer people can learn and have fun without the fears associated with traditional sports settings.

Our experienced coaches - many from the LGBTQIA+ community - will take you through the key skills of the sport: passing, setting, and hitting. We train in 4-week blocks for better skills retention – also meaning you can miss a week or two. These are no-commitment sessions, come as little or as often as you like.

By providing our community with these skills for free, we hope that you gain the confidence to stay fit, make new connections, and enjoy a new game with friends.

The program begins on Saturday, 8th of March and runs until the 31st of May. Check out the training listing each week as dates/times and venues can differ week to week. Bring a friend, water bottle, and clothes you feel comfortable running and jumping in.

Check out our website to find out more about us, what we do


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