Seminar: Advanced Volleyball Rotations & Positioning

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The Advanced Volleyball Rotations and Positioning Seminar, held on 18/02/2024 at Northbridge (Pride) Piazza, is an excellent opportunity for new and existing members, especially those gearing up for the 2024 WAVL (WA Volleyball League) season. Organised with a focus on honing skills and enhancing strategic understanding, the seminar aims to lift participants' gameplay to new heights.

Key Outcomes:

In-depth Analysis of Rotations: The seminar will provide a deep dive into intricate rotations, explaining the nuances of each position on the court. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to maximise efficiency and synergy during gameplay.

Strategic Positioning Strategies: Attendees will be exposed to strategies related to court positioning. The seminar will go beyond basic principles, offering insights into advanced positioning tactics that can be used to outmanoeuvre opponents effectively.

WAVL Season Preparation: The seminar will have a particular emphasis on preparing players for the 2024 WAVL season. Members not participating in WAVL are encouraged to attend to further develop their skills and understanding.

The seminar will provide attendees with advanced tools and strategies crucial for success in the competitive landscape of WAVL. Participants will leave with enhanced skills, a deeper understanding of the game, and the confidence to excel in their respective positions on the volleyball court.
