
Perth Scorpions April Update

Published Tue 12 Apr 2022

It's a been a huge start to the year and the Winter Season is well and truely underway!

A massive thank you to everyone for your patience and assistance in implementing our Covid-19 safe measures. You're amazing support has enabled us to continue running training each week whilst keeping each other safe. So thank you!

We've got quite a few things to cover, so let's get into it!

  1. No Training Easter Sunday - Due to UWA being closed over Easter, there will be no trainingon Sunday, 17 April. 
  2. Annual Good Friday Picnic - Our annual Good Friday Picnic will be held on Friday, 15 April at Kings Park from 11am to 2pm. Come down for a hit and a bite to eat. See below for more information. 
  3. Perth Spectres Ball - The Perth Scorpions have purchased two tables (20 people) for the Basket-Ball on Friday, 14 May and still have seats available. Cost is $113 per person and includes a 2 course meal and 5 hour drinks package. See below for more information. 
  4. Sponsorship Update - Over the last few months we have been so fortunate to receive two amazing donations. Previous playing members Jacques and Edward Classen have donated $2000 to the club allowing us to purchase new equiptment and Peter Forster on behalf of ChemSearch Consulting has donated a portable bluetooth speaker. Please join us in thanking both Jacques and Ed, and Peter for their most generous contributions. 
  5. Uniform update - Uniform orders have been placed and should be available at the end of April. We'll keep you posted once we receive further updates from our supplier. 
  6. Events update - Due to previous COVID advice, we made the decision to defer our annual Wine Tour from April to September. More information will come out on this in the coming months, however stay tuned as we've got some other exciting events to announce soon! 
  7. Feedback - How you're feeling is really important to us. Are we hitting that serve perfectly or do we need to dig more?... Please complete our feedback survey and let us know what we can do to improve the overall experience at the Perth Scorpions. 

Read on for more detailed information about some of the above items.

As for me, I am half way through my birthday tour/holiday in Melbourne, foot is healing well but sadly now recovering with Covid. HOWEVER....I cannot wait to be back on the court with you all when I return to Perth at the start of May! 

The mailbox is still being monitored, so if you have any questions or need more information, please visit the Perth Scorpions website or email

Glen Bainbridge (he/him)


Perth Scorpions Volleyball Club
Annual Good Friday Picnic in Kings Park - Friday, 15 April
  Annual Good Friday Picnic

With restrictions easing, we are so excited to kick of our Perth Scorpions events again.

What better way to kick it of than with our annual Good Friday Picnic in Kings Park. As there is no training on Easter Sunday, what better way to get your weekly volleyball fix. 

Date: Friday, 15 April 

Location: Kings Park 

Time: 11am to 2pm (may go longer depending on numbers)

Cost: FREE! All we ask if that bring a picnic blanket or something to sit on, drinks and a plate of food to share. 

We will have the two nets set up and there is plenty of shade around.

Anyone is welcome to come down and join us, please advise via our Facebook Event if you are coming so we can gauge how many people to expect. 

Note: If you're not already a member of the Perth Scorpions Members Group on Facebook, request access here

Perth Spectres Basket-Ball - Friday, 14 May
  Perth Spectres Basket-Ball - Friday, 14 May

The Perth Spectres are holding their annual Basket-Ball fundraising event.

The Perth Scorpions are supporting our fellow LGBTQIA+ sporting team and have purchased two tables of ten. A number of people have already expressed interest with seats still available.

Tickets are $113 and includes:
- a two Course Meal
- Five hours Drink Package
- Entertainment
- Raffles & Silent Auctions

Last year the Perth Spectres were able to donate $4,500 collectively ($1,500 each) to GRAI, The Pinnacle Foundation & Transfolk of WA.

ACTION REQUIRED: If you have already expressed interest that you would like a ticket, please make your payment for the ticket via the Perth Scorpions Bank Account or at training via the Payment Square. If you would like a ticket, please email ASAP. 
