
Welcome to 2023

Published Tue 03 Jan 2023

Dear Scorpions Members,

I hope you have all had an excellent holiday period surrounded by loved ones, whether that is family, friends, or a combination of both. I would like to welcome you all to 2023 and thank you all for an excellent 2022. As a member that only joined the club in 2022, a lot has changed since I joined. Some of this change has been challenging, while most of it has been positive. I have learnt lessons from the past 9 months as a member, the past 5 months as Vice President, and I have no doubt that I will continue to learn alongside all of you as the year progresses.

There are a few important operational updates in the news post below, so please be sure to read the information below and send through any questions you might have!

2023 Membership Registration

All Members must now re-register for their 2023 club membership (free of charge) through RevSport here: Membership - Perth Scorpions Volleyball Club. Regardless of whether you are training only, competitive or socials only, you will need to register for a 2023 membership if you would like to access:

  • Any training sessions (including the first free training session).
  • Any Sunday social games.
  • Perth Scorpions Social Events (some of which are free for 2023 active members).
  • Participation in weekly competitions (regular or fill-in).
  • Voting rights at a Special General Meeting or Annual General Meeting.

Your re-registration will not incur any charge, membership with PSVC is free, while participation in activities such as training and weekly competitions incur charges.

Start of Year/ Goodbye 2022 Social Event

All 2023 active members are invited to attend the 2023 welcome/ 2022 goodbye event on the 22nd of January. There will be no training on this day, so please join us for:

  • Outdoor Volleyball
  • Sausage Sizzle (free for members)
  • Various Soft drinks and Water (free for members)
  • Hot tunes and a good time!

More information about the event will be released later this week, however you can now RSVP for the event here: 2023 Welcome Lunch - Perth Scorpions Volleyball Club

Training Recommencing

A friendly reminder that training will recommence this Sunday (8/01/2023) at Golds Netball Centre from 1pm to 3pm. All current training sessions for 2023 can now be found here: Calendar - Perth Scorpions Volleyball Club - These are up to date as of the time of sending this email.

Loftus Games Recommencing

Another friendly reminder that, for those of you who are a part of a Loftus team, the competition recommences from Tuesday 10/01/2023 and Thursday 12/01/2023.


Thank you all, and if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know by return email. See you all on Sunday!

Shaun Barnett (he/him)
Perth Scorpions Volleyball Club
m 0426 964 318
